Selasa, 01 Mei 2012


The Ducks and The Turtle

 Long time ago, there  was a lake near the mountain. It was a big and beautiful lake.
There were Ducks lived on the lake. Two ducks who lived there had a friend who was a turtle.
One year, there was a very little rain and the lake began to dry up. One of the ducks said to the other, “ Soon, there’ll be on water in this lake. Let’s go and look for other lake. I don’t wanna die here.”
The second duck said, “Yes, i think so. But what about with our friend, turtle?”
The first duck answered, “We must to leave him here alone, He can’t fly like us. And we can’t take him with us.”
The second duck disagreed with he first duck opinion, “We can’t do it. He is our friend, Turtle.”
Finally, They came to their friend Turtle. When they told him they were to leave, the Turtle said, “I will die here without any water and friends. Please, take me with you.”
The ducks answered, “We can’t. We are going to fly. And you have no wings.”
The Turtle thought for a minute, and then said, “Please, wait here for me!”
And then, The turtle went away and found a strong sraight stick. He brought it back to his friends, and put the middle of it in his mouth and said, “Now, if each of you takes me one end of the stick in my mouth, you lift me up and carry me with you.”
“That’s too dangerous!” said the Ducks, “If you try to talk while we are carrying you through the air, you won’t be able to hold the stick, so you will fall down and break your shell.”
“Don’t worry about me!” said the Ducks. “i will never talk while you are carrying me.”
And then, the ducks tried to believe what the turtle said “Ok. But , you must promise to us, that you’ll never talk while we are in the air.”
“Allright,” answered the turtle. “I promise not to talk when we’re  in the air.”
So the ducks took the stick and flew away with the turtle between them. All went will until they were flying over a town. Then, some people saw them and shouted, “Look! Those ducks are carrying a cat!”. The Turtle heard what the people shouted. And then he got very angry. “A cat??? I’m not ....” he said, but he didn’t get any further. Because, when he opened his mouth, the stick came out of his mouth. And the poor Turtle fell to the ground. The ducks can’t helped him.

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